Tesla Removes 'Steering Wheel Nag' with New FSD Update

Tesla Removes 'Steering Wheel Nag' with New FSD Update

Tesla has rolled out an update to its full self-driving (FSD) software, eliminating the "steering wheel nag" feature. Previously, this feature required drivers to periodically apply pressure to the steering wheel to ensure they were paying attention. The update replaces this with an advanced camera-based driver monitoring system.

The new system uses in-vehicle cameras to monitor drivers’ attentiveness by ensuring their eyes are visible and not obscured by sunglasses or other objects. If the cameras detect inattention, a warning will be issued that can be dismissed. If the driver’s eyes cannot be detected, the system will revert to the steering wheel alert method. Tesla assures that images from the cameras will not be saved or transmitted unless the driver opts in to data sharing.

This update aims to enhance the driving experience and improve safety. Tesla is set to extend this update to more vehicles in its fleet this week. CEO Elon Musk praised the v12.4 update as “mind-blowing,” predicting it would significantly increase miles per intervention, as reported by Electrek.

Tesla is also planning to build a data center in China to train its algorithms, following regulatory requirements to store local driving data domestically.




Tesla FSD Update News From https://qz.com/tesla-full-self-driving-update-steering-wheel-nag-1851489206

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