Tesla's Latest Update 2024.20: Smarter Lights, Faster Charging, and More Fun

Tesla's Latest Update 2024.20: Smarter Lights, Faster Charging, and More Fun

Tesla has released its latest software update, 2024.20, and it's packed with exciting features that will enhance your driving experience. The update is already available to employees, and we can't wait to dive in.

One of the standout features is the improved adaptive headlights. For European cars with matrix headlights, this update allows the headlights to adapt to curves in the road ahead of you, providing better illumination. This is the second major update for matrix headlights, following the addition of adaptive high-beam support in Update 2024.8.

But what are matrix headlights? You can tell if your Tesla has them by looking for a large, round projector dome on the outer edge of the headlight. If you don't see a dome, you likely have standard non-matrix headlights. Another way to check is to run a stock light show while facing a wall. If the Tesla logo appears in letters, you've got matrix headlights.

The update also includes some minor improvements and bug fixes. However, it's worth noting that North America still doesn't have adaptive headlight support due to legislative and testing issues in the United States. But with the US recently approving adaptive headlights, we can expect this feature to arrive in North America soon.

Overall, Tesla's latest update is a great step forward in terms of safety, convenience, and entertainment. Whether you're driving through winding roads or competing for Supercharger supremacy, there's something for everyone in this update.



NEWS FROM: https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/2039/tesla-update-2024-20-lets-matrix-headlights-adapt-to-curves-adds-supercharger-leaderboards-and-more

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